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A two-part workshop via Zoom: Concentration - The key to inner resilience. It is held in German.

Concentration: A two-part workshop in German to strengthen awareness and resilience

Concentration - a topic that is relevant at all times. Without a certain level of concentration, you will quickly feel overwhelmed or under-challenged in everyday life. As soon as you concentrate on an activity, you will experience inner peace and clarity.

In this workshop we will look at how concentration is related to resilience and look at a few approaches that can help strengthen concentration and thus resilience. Of course, there will also be plenty of practice and time for Q&A.


More information: Here.





Location: zoom


First WS: Feb.28 (6 pm till 8.30 pm) and Mar 8, 2025 (10 am till 1 pm)


Second WS: Mar 28 (6 pm till 8.30 pm) and April 5, 2025 (10 am till 1 pm)


Who: Martine Burgy


Cost per WS: CHF 220.--


Further information: Here


Registration and/or questions: here


Please note the general conditions: here


Skype/Zoom is very suitable.

Entry possible at any time.

04 / Yoga philosophy - individually or in pairs

Dates on request.

2-person group:

Chf 100 .-- / person and lesson

10 subscription: Chf 950 .-- / person

Duration: approx. 1.5 hours per lesson


Individual lessons:

Chf 120 .- / lesson

10 subscription: Chf 1'100 .--

Duration: max 1.25 hours / lesson

General conditions: here

Location: clearview Martine Burgy, Ringwaldstrasse 12a, CH - 4410 Liestal

Possible online or on site.


Registration and / or questions please here.

This course is aimed at yoga practitioners - you can start at any time as long as you have basic knowledge.

Clarity in Silence - Yoga Sutras by Sri Patañjali


Just as perfecting physical postures (asanas) requires regular practice, regular reflection on the highest self and study of scriptures is essential if one wants to develop a flexible mind.


Just as a single asana lesson is unlikely to immediately enable the body to achieve the perfect posture, the statements in the scriptures can only penetrate deeper if they are heard, reflected upon and processed again and again.


In this course we will focus primarily on the Yoga Sutras of Sri Patañjali, which are the foundation of yoga itself. What does yoga mean? - Why should we be interested in "reaching" the state of yoga? What does Patañjali say about the mind? Is there anything beyond the mind?


The aim is to deepen the content of the Yoga Sutras and to build a bridge to everyday life. To better understand what we experience in everyday life thanks to the scriptures and to master everyday life better through the scriptures.



Interested? - There is more information here 





Location: Online (Zoom)


When: Mondays 1pm - 2pm


Start: tbd


Who: Martine Burgy


10-pack subscription: CHF 250.--


Trial subscription (3 units): CHF 65--.


Further information: here


Registration and/or questions: here


Please note the general conditions: here


Suitable for beginners and practitioners

Online: Meditation - Tuesdays: 1:00 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.

Meditation has been on everyone's lips for some time now. Have you thought about starting? Perhaps you've been lacking the impetus? - If so, now is the opportunity to start.


The format is simple and the time required is manageable: a form of meditation is presented or general information about meditation is explained. A few minutes of shared meditation followed by a Q&A concludes each unit.  



Start: tbd


Location: Online (Zoom)


Who: Martine Burgy


Cost: 5x CHF 110.-- . You can find more information in the general conditions , which you should read carefully.


Note: It will be recorded so you can watch it later if you can't be there.


Please register and/or ask questions here.

You can join at any time. Your own meditation practice is required.

Meditation - exchange of experiences - once a month 


No matter how long you have been meditating, there are always questions. In a smaller group, you have the opportunity to exchange ideas and get one or two questions answered. We generally meet ONLINE once a month. We begin with a short meditation in silence. After that, there is the opportunity for questions and discussion.


Location: Online (Zoom)

Next dates: tbd

Time: tbd

Cost: CHF 30.-- per unit

Who: Martine Burgy


Note: This exchange of experiences will not be recorded .


Please note the general conditions .   


Please register and/or ask questions here.

For organizational reasons, we ask you to register in advance. You will then receive the Zoom link.

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