General Terms
Subscriptions are to be paid before the first lesson to the following account:
Postfinance AG, z.G. clearview Martine Burgy, IBAN: CH58 0900 0000 6066 4554 1; BIC: POFIBEXXX.
A single lesson may be paid n cash if the lesson take place on site.
Subscriptions are valid for six months and a trial subscription is valid 1 month from the date of purchase.
With a 10-session subscription, one lesson may be given to a third party as a gift within the 6-month period.
For one successful mediation If you subscribe, you will receive a free lesson as a small thank you.
Hours not taken - for whatever reason - will expire and will not be refunded.
Prices for companies, workshops and other special courses are on request or advertised individually.
Longer absences:In the event of a longer absence of 4 weeks or more (illness, accident, training, stay abroad), an extension of the subscription may be agreed upon. This must be discussed before the subscription expires and is at the discretion of clearview Martine Burgy. There is no further entitlement to a price reduction or refund.
Cancellations / postponements: Appointments are to be adhered to. clearview Martine Burgy assumes no responsibility for general life risks such as traffic congestion, traffic jams, short-term illnesses, scheduling conflicts, etc. Short-term cancellations (within 24 hours) will be charged like a normal lesson. Short-term postponements that are announced at least 48 hours before the lesson is due, an alternative lession may be offered within two weeks and at the discretion of clearview Martine Burgy. Individual lessons (not as a subscription) are considered firmly booked and will be charged in full even in the event of cancellations/postponements.
Cancellations / postponements by clearview Martine Burgy: If clearview Martine Burgy has to cancel or postpone, she will offer an alternative date and the validity period of the subscription will be extended accordingly. If lessons are canceled due to a longer absence (holidays, stays abroad, etc.), the period of validity of the subscription is extended by the corresponding time. There are no further claims.
Class location: The lessons take place either online (Zoom, Skype) or on site at Ringwaldstrasse 12a, CH-4410 Liestal. In the event that the lessons take place away from home, additional travel expenses and, in principle, travel time of at least 1 hour (single lesson rate) will be charged. .
Single and double lessons take place according to the pre-agreed date and should take place as regularly as possible.
The above General Terms and Conditions are subject to change.
Liability: Insurance is the responsibility of the participant.